Transport UK Corporate Travel is your hassle free, cost effective Season Ticket Loan Scheme provider.
With a bespoke online booking platform and exclusive Smart Card options, our dedicated service provides practical, straightforward transport solutions to benefit both your organisation and your staff.
Our Season Ticket Loan Scheme, Let's Commute, allows employees to order their train or tube pass directly via our online portal, saving you time and resource. We’re currently helping over 400 companies across the UK as they offer over 50,000 employees the opportunity to spread the cost of their daily commute. With smartcard options and access to Rail Tickets across the UK what are you waiting for? It’s time to add Let’s Commute to your companies Rewards and Benefits Package!
Plus, our self-booking tool for business rail travellers, Simply Rail, allows businesses to manage their organisations rail spend centrally and also covers Eurostar and European rail tickets. The perfect solution for rail travel management.
Let’s Commute offers a range of Season Tickets to suit full-time and hybrid working and our team of travel experts will help your staff chose the ticket which is right for them.
Our Annual Season Ticket usually offers best value for commuters travelling 3 times per week and more. Plus there are many other advantages to this ticket!
Free travel – pay for 40 weeks and get 52 weeks travel, including bank holidays and weekends!
It’s valid every day of the week for the period of purchase – so even if you only plan to travel for work purposes twice per week you may want to consider buying the Annual Season Ticket as this allows for travel at the weekend and for leisure!
It’s Smart – it comes loaded onto a smart card and it’s valid on National Rail, Transport for London and other regional service.
Not only that, but if your staff are based in London and the Southeast, they will receive a Gold Card worth £30, which can be used to obtain discounts on their leisure travel of a 1/3 off train fares for them and 3 friends or family members. Kids travel cheap too.
They will also be able to buy another discount card for a friend for £10, normal price £30.
Simply Rail is our low fee, straightforward, reliable and user friendly business rail booking platform. It finds the cheapest published tickets and delivers them to your colleagues mobile phone, checks service times and prices for all rail companies in the UK (as well as Eurostar and some European routes), allows colleagues to update their journeys if plans change, giving colleagues the confidence to arrange and book their own business trips simply and efficiently. All you need to do is set-up your account and let your colleagues do the rest.
Book an appointment with your Transport UK Corporate Travel Business Manager today to find out more about the benefits of Simply Rail.